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Yes! EclipseCrossword is totally free, even for professional use and profit. There are no fees. For all the details, you should read the license agreement (you`ve already agreed if you installed EclipseCrossword), but here`s a summary. We have listed all the clues in our database that match your search. There will also be a list of synonyms for your answer. The synonyms were arranged according to the number of characters to be easily found. If a given answer generates a lot of interest on the site today, it can be highlighted in orange. That`s a good question. In general, we do not. Sometimes we get donations from fans, but that`s what it`s all about. We are not here for the money. You can learn more about our Prinzipalen software philosophy.

If your word anagrams, they are also mentioned with a definition of the word if we have one.