• Allgemein

Pscbc Collective Agreements

With respect to negotiations on wages and other conditions of employment, the department represents the members of the two public service committees, that is, the members; the Public Service Coordinating Council (PSCBC) and the Public Health and Social Development Collective Agreements (PHSDSBC) Sector Council. Over time, both negotiating boards have entered into numerical agreements that affect members. Through its monitoring mechanisms, the department also ensures that employers comply with and implement agreed agreements and policies. In addition, the department provides ongoing information on new developments and trends in collective bargaining to ensure that members are informed at all times. The PSCBC was created as a central bargaining council because most issues are defined at the central level. At the same time, fee structures for educators (ELRC), police (SSSBC), national departments and provincial governments continue to exist. The „Organization and Collective Bargaining“ department is a division of the public sector that has as its main mission and function of protecting and promoting the socio-economic interests of members through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is an interactive process involving two or more parties with conflicting interests seeking a mutually acceptable written agreement, known as a collective agreement. A collective agreement concluded by the parties includes terms of employment and all other matters of mutual interest. All other pricing structures for the public sector have also been created in this part of the LRA. PhSDSBC is a sectoral negotiating council on public health and social development. It was put in place in the sense of a resolution of the VSP to deal with all collective bargaining within the scope of public health and social development.

The scope of the Council is limited to the national departments of health and social development and to all provincial health and social development administrations in the country. The bargaining council is also responsible for all health professionals working in prisons and defence services. In short, the division looks at the following activities: . Litigation procedure for the Public Service Coordinating Council („CSPS“). . The VSP is the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Board that addresses all issues governed by uniform rules, standards and standards applicable across the public service, as well as all issues that apply to terms of service applicable to two or more sectors. Public Service Disciplinary Code and Procedures The division can be contacted by e-mail: labour@samedical.org or 012 481 2160/2075 The Public Service Coordinating Council (PSCBC) was created in accordance with Section 35 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (LRA).