How to Change Custody Agreement in Oklahoma
If you`re a parent in Oklahoma, there may come a time where you need to modify your child custody agreement. Whether you`re looking to change the custody arrangement entirely or make minor adjustments, it`s important to know the proper steps to take. Here`s a guide on how to change custody agreement in Oklahoma.
1. Understand the types of custody agreements
In Oklahoma, there are two types of custody: legal and physical. Legal custody refers to the decision-making power of the parents, while physical custody refers to where the child primarily lives. It`s important to understand which type of custody agreement needs to be modified before proceeding.
2. File a modification petition
To modify a custody agreement in Oklahoma, you`ll need to file a modification petition with the court that issued the current custody order. This petition will outline the changes you`re seeking and provide reasons why the changes are necessary.
3. Serve the other parent
Once you`ve filed the modification petition, you`ll need to serve the other parent with a copy of the petition. This can be done by certified mail or by having a process server deliver the documents in person.
4. Attend a hearing
After the other parent has been served, a hearing will be scheduled. Both parents will need to attend the hearing and present their case. It`s important to come prepared with evidence to support your proposed changes.
5. Receive a decision
After hearing both sides, the judge will make a decision on whether or not to modify the custody agreement. If the judge approves the changes, a new custody order will be issued.
6. Follow the new custody agreement
Once the new custody agreement is in effect, both parents must abide by the terms outlined in the order. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences.
In conclusion, modifying a child custody agreement in Oklahoma requires following a specific process. Understanding the types of custody, filing a modification petition, serving the other parent, attending a hearing, and abiding by the new custody agreement are all crucial steps to ensure a successful modification. If you`re considering modifying your custody agreement, consult with a family law attorney for guidance and assistance.