Jfrog Service Level Agreement
1.1 „Service (s),“ JFrog`s online service, called „Artifactory Online,“ as it operates and maintained on the website (at: www.jfrog.com) (the „site“), operated and maintained by JFrog; online or offline products and services provided by JFrog through the partner website or other website, from service names, domains or IP address and/or to all online or offline products and services provided by JFrog, the service includes the ability for the customer to store customer data (as defined below) on Amazon Web Services (the „cloud platform“), subject to the terms of this agreement and payment of applicable fees. JFrog reserves the right to add, modify, delete and/or modify the Services, including changes to features, presentation and accompanying products, after being notified on the Site and Service. To the extent that JFrog includes third-party services in the Services, JFrog assumes no responsibility or responsibility for these third-party services. 7. Customer data and analysis information. The operation of the system and the provision of services under this directive requires the company to monitor traffic and content (including encrypted content) transmitted through the customer`s networks and to require the customer to provide, downloads, transfers or makes available certain data, including, but not limited, to personal data transmitted through the customer`s networks (all „customer data“), in accordance with the company`s privacy policy, which is jfrog.com/privacy-policy/. The client accepts that the entity collects, monitors, stores and uses the customer`s data on behalf of the customer and has complete administrative control over that data, including its right to display or modify it. Between the company and the customer, intellectual property rights and all other rights, titles and interests of any kind on and on customer data that can be stored in the company`s database are the exclusive property of the client and its licensees. The company benefits from a non-revocable, non-exclusive, sub-conceded, free license for the use of customer data, in accordance with applicable data protection legislation for the provision of services. With the exception of the above, nothing in this agreement should be construed to confer rights, securities or interest on the customer`s data to the company or to third parties.
The company may otherwise collect, disclose, publish and use anonymous information resulting from the use of the system (unidentifiable, aggregated and analytical information) („analysis information“), in order to provide and improve the company`s programs and services and use them for legitimate business purposes. The company is and will remain the sole owner of the analytical information. The JFrog support model is based on a page-page partnership with the customer, with a narrow and convenient communication channel. Developers not only support useful and direct responses from developers, but also from the first contact. All tickets are directly connected to a developer support engineer, i.e. at the R and D level, with faster resolution and no redundant cycles. Users are coordinated with JFrog developer support technicians who are committed to developing solutions for each technical challenge.