Nh Collective Agreement General Staff Level 8
The rates of remuneration for specialized and general staff are set under the current Charles Sturt University Enterprise Agreement. These include casual workers and students employed at Charles Sturt University. If you employ Charles Sturt University students as casual staff, choose a rate based on their assigned assignments. c) When workers are tasked by their employer with tasks above their material classification, wage distribution rates are higher. 7.1 A facilitating provision provides that the standard approach may be deviated from an agreement allocation provision between an employer and a worker or employer and the majority of workers in the company or part of the company concerned. 13.4 The beginning and progression are determined in accordance with point 17.2. (b) accommodation costs incurred during the trip (if any); and are considered a business day for the purpose of taking into account a claim covered in point 14.8 (b). (d) Leave under clause X.2.1 (a) must begin before June 30, 2020, but may end after that date. Laundry allowance – for uniform costs reimbursed by the employer – notes: overtime rates for casual workers were calculated by adding the occasional charge provided at 11.2 (b) to the hourly rates for full-time and part-time workers under clauses 21.2 (a) and 21.2 (b)). (e) A person employed on January 1, 2010 was not employed: the school industry has the meaning of section 4.2.
10.2 A part-time worker receives the minimum hourly rate for each classification in paragraph 17 – minimum rates for each hour worked and receives in proportion to wages and conditions equivalent to those of full-time workers who did the same type of work. (iii) a worker whose working time is more than the maximum weekly hours allowed during the reference period. The definitions of shift work are defined in point 22.1. Normal schedules: b) Payment may be reduced by the amount to which the apprentice is entitled under the program. . (a) According to the instructions of his employer, if any, a worker performs all the duties that fall within his capacity and competence, regardless of his classification under clause 13 and the schedule A classifications, provided that the tasks are safe and the worker is certified and qualified for the performance of these tasks.