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Subject Verb Agreement Make

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of the English language that can often be overlooked. It pertains to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence, ensuring that they agree in number and person. One of the most common instances where mistakes occur is with the use of the word “make.”

The verb “make” is a tricky one as it can be used in multiple ways in sentences. It can act as a linking verb, causative verb, or transitive verb. Its use determines the subject-verb agreement required in the sentence.

When “make” is used as a linking verb, it does not require agreement with the subject. For example, “The cake smells delicious” is correct because “smells” is a linking verb, and there is no agreement necessary with the subject “cake.”

However, when “make” is used as a causative or transitive verb, it requires agreement with the subject. For instance, “They make me happy” is correct because “make” is a transitive verb that requires agreement with the subject “they.”

In the case of singular subjects, “make” becomes “makes.” Therefore, “The boy makes a mess” is correct, and “The boy make a mess” is incorrect as it fails to adhere to subject-verb agreement.

Likewise, in the case of plural subjects, “make” remains in its base form. For instance, “The children make a lot of noise” is correct as “make” agrees with the subject “children.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial to ensure the clarity and correctness of a sentence. The verb “make” presents unique challenges, depending on its use in a sentence. As a copy editor, it is essential to pay close attention to the subject-verb agreement in the context of “make” to avoid errors and create grammatically sound copy.